Hi! I’m Melanie, and I’m so excited you’re here!

Adventures and Tea Time is all about travel and adventure, personal development, healthy living, parenting, and practical stuff for everyday life.

If you’re always in pursuit of your next big adventure or juggling to balance life while working on becoming your best self, this site is for you!

My hope is that I can inspire or motivate you in some way, give you some useful information, or maybe leave you with just a touch of wanderlust.

About Me

I am always daydreaming…plotting my next adventure. Some are planned, and some are toss-a-bag-in-the-car-and-see-where-we-end-up adventures.

I’m a lover of the journey. A traveler – not a tourist.

History, culture, local food and best kept secrets – I want the full authentic experience. I LIVE to travel and explore new and interesting places and am happiest somewhere in the water.

You will often find me trying to up my game when it comes to healthy living. I promise you we have more in common than you think. I am not a perfect size, I do not run marathons. Some days I struggle to eat healthily and keep my forty-something butt moving.

I have much love for all things natural, good quality food and drink, and good quality vitamins and supplements.

I am certified in massage and aromatherapy and a devout self-help/personal development junkie.

Total wellness, I believe, is achieved by balancing the Mind, Body, and Spirit. I don’t think it is a place where you just arrive, as much as it is an everyday journey of evolution.

For about 15 years, I’ve been working in customer service/software training.  My ultimate dream is to achieve the freedom to work remotely, doing what I love and enriching the lives of others. Then I want to teach others how to do it.

Our Family

We aren’t your conventional family.  We’re not your typical blended family either – we’re blended, mixed, tossed, and stirred. Our family has been together since 2012.  I brought two teenage boys with me and my boyfriend brought three teenage boys, 1 teenage girl, a 7-year-old daughter, and an 11-year-old nephew. Three are his own, three adopted.

Whew! Yes, that is EIGHT kids between us. It has been a crazy ride with a house full of teenagers. The youngest is now 13 and the oldest is 24. We had one graduate high school in 2018, Joey will graduate in 2019 and Sara started 8th grade this year.

Add to the mix two granddaughters – one we get to see all the time and one we don’t.

Welcome to my circus!

We both have jobs that keep us busy and spend a lot of our free time chasing our two youngest either on a soccer field or in a wrestling gym with cameras in hand.

We love to travel as a couple and as a family. Outdoors, off the beaten path, laid back and lazy, the beach, the lake, mountains, desert or swamp…we were born ready!